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Register description and privacy policy
Personal Data Act (523/99) 10 §
Date created 20.03.2017
1. Register owner
A & R Empresas Finland
Venetie 2 B

Company-ID: 2439736-4
2. Register owner contact person and/or company
Raine Ranki
A & R Empresas Finland
Venetie 2 B
myynti [ ~ at ~ ] empresas.fi
3. The name of the register

websites customer register held by A & R Empresas Finland.
4. The purpose of the register
Information is used to customer contact during order process, for customer relations and marketing purposes and news broadcasts approved by the customer.
5. The content of the register
The register holds basic information such as:
- name
- address
- phone number
- email address
6. The source of the information
The owner of the register will register only the information given by the customer on the web site. No other sources are used.
7. Information transfer outside EU
No information is given to any third party inside or outside EU.
8. The protection of the information
User infomation is stored into a password  protected system. The system is also protected by other technical means. Access to information is only for known employees of the owner of the register. The system is in locked and guarded premises.
9. The right of refusal of a registered user
Registered user may refuse and deny the owner of the register to use the information for any purpose such as direct marketing, market research and polls. The refusal must be in writing and sent to the the register owner contact person.
10. Revisioning and correcting the information
Registered user may ask for revision of the user's information stored in the system. The owner of the register will correct, remove and update any information that may be considered incorrect, unnecessary or out of date for the purpose of the register. Requests for revision and updates must be sent to the register owner contact person.